Investors Relations IR
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Contact IR

Costumer Support

If you have any questions about the use of our products, technical issues, or need assistance, our support team is available to provide the best possible help. Contact Grupo Multi Support through the website ( or via WhatsApp: (11) 3198-0004.

Grupo Multi S/A

Av. Brg. Faria Lima, 1811 - Jd Paulista - São Paulo, SP
IR Phone: +55 11 3198-5877

Flavio Bongiovanni Ferreira Lima
Investor Relations Officer

Rafael Byrro
Investor Relations Coordinator

Fernando Nunes
Investor Relations Assistant

Income Statement

For requests for Income Statements pertaining to periods after December 18, 2023, statements are issued by BTG Pactual and will be made available to shareholders through the "Investor Portal" (“Portal do Investidor”, in portuguese).

The link to access the portal is:

If the investor does not have an account yet, they can request one through the "First access?" (“Primeiro Acesso”, in portuguese) section, available on the platform's homepage. The manual for the access procedure can be found at the following link:

For further information, shareholders can directly contact the registrar through the email channel

For requests for Income Statements pertaining to periods up to December 17, 2023, statements are issued by Banco Itaú and will be made available to shareholders through the "Digital Correspondence Portal" (“Portal de Correspondências Digitais”, in portuguese).

The link to access the Income Statement portal is:

Simply click on "First Access" (“Primeiro Acesso”, in portuguese) and follow the steps.

For shareholders with shares held in custody by B3 S.A., statements can be accessed through the "Investor Area" (“Área do Investidor”, in portuguese”) portal found at:

In the portal, navigate to the "Reports" (“Relatórios”, in portuguese) menu, then to "Consolidated Report" (“Relatório Consolidado”, in portuguese), select the annual period, and choose the desired format (PDF or Excel). In this report, the investor will find their position, received income (dividends, interest on equity, and earnings), and asset loan reimbursements.

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All content is available for informational purposes only and is intended simply to provide the website user with an overview of the activities carried out by Multilaser.